Web3 Gaming
June 20, 2023

Elympics Summer Camp

Level Up Game Development Skills at Elympics Summer Camp!

This summer we are launching an exclusive initiative that will captivate the interests of game developers worldwide – we are introducing the Elympics Summer Camp!

What is Elympics Summer Camp?

This initiative, akin to a game jam enriched with elements of education and mentorship, offers participants the unique opportunity to mold their games under the expert guidance of industry specialists. This creative process is divided into three milestones, each accompanied by feedback sessions on technical and design facets.

But the learning experience isn't the only reward. The Elympics Summer Camp offers tangible benefits as well. Teams that successfully complete their games will be awarded a certificate and $600 in cash, along with an additional $600 for hosting the game after the camp. As an added bonus, this initiative can be acknowledged as a student internship, thereby providing a competitive advantage in the professional realm.

What drives this initiative?

At Elympics we believe that empowering the next generation of developers, as well as broadening the community of developers proficient in our tools. By cultivating this talent pool, we contribute to the expansion of the gaming industry as a whole. We believe that every developer should be able to bring their creative vision to live, using tools and services that make it as easy as possible. This broadens the ecosystem of creators, to whom security and fairness are not just an afterthought – but an essential component to every competition.

So how does it work?

At the culmination of the summer, the games crafted during the Summer Camp will be assessed by a panel of industry and community judges. The finest games will be entitled to extra rewards, sponsored by our partners. Details about these additional prizes will be disclosed shortly.

Participation in the Summer Camp is entirely free. For those passionate about game development and looking to fast-track their progress under industry professionals' mentorship, the Elympics Summer Camp is the perfect platform. Let's redefine gaming together!

This camp is more than just a summer activity; it's a stepping stone into the vibrant world of game development. Through this initiative, participants could potentially shape the future of gaming. So, are the teams ready to level up with Elympics this summer?

Can I still join?

Yes, you can join until July 26th! Go to https://summercamp.elympics.cc/ to learn more!

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